S.Y Red Dragon - Genset Controls
Replacement of Basler Genset controllers
As engineers of her original Basler generator control system we were asked about upgrading her obselete Basler DGC2000 controllers to the new model. So, we embarked on design, pre-installation setup & testing, and a work plan to install the latest Basler DGC-2020 controllers.
After extensive bench-testing & evaluation of new controllers one of our technicians removed the problematic units, fitting & wiring the new 2020's into the existing switchboard controls which needed only minor modification. Her ships monitoring system [Seatouch] relies on these controllers, harvesting extensive electrical data via a Modbus connection. The communication protocols had changed, requiring some re-programming of the PLC's, but this all went fine as we were the authors of her original software.
Project Wrap
Completing an efficient installation, fully documented with detailed service report, testing instructions for re-validation of alarms & shutdowns, updated as-fitted CAD drawings, and copies of new PLC & Basler configuration files allowed Red Dragon continue her busy charter schedule with peace of mind the generator system was once again trustworthy - and future proofed with contemporary equipment.
We look forward to providing future support and thank them for choosing to work with Attest!
For more information on this project, or for a costed proposal please Get in touch.